Where the Rubber Hits the Road: End-of-life debate turns to newborns: ‘Postnatal abortion’ morally acceptable in some cases, ethicist says | National Post

Another demonstration of the creeping culture of death. The previous article says that it’s OK to deny health care procedures designed to ‘prolong life’ after attaining the age of 75 or older. This one argues that we should terminate the life of children born with severe handicaps a.k.a. ‘post-birth abortions’.

Still think that we pro-lifers are exaggerating when we assert that life is being threatened at both ends of the spectrum? Sadly, stories like these make it clear that we’re not.

Where the Rubber Hits the Road: End-of-life debate turns to newborns: ‘Postnatal abortion’ morally acceptable in some cases, ethicist says | National Post.

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