Parish Bulletin – Baptism of the Lord – 12 January, 2020

Masses and Celebrations for the Week

Day Time and Place Celebration Intention
Monday Chapeau   No Mass
Tuesday Chapeau

10:00 a.m.

  Romeo & Anita Venasse

By:  Iris & Meril Fleury

Wednesday Chapeau

10:00 a.m.

  Catherine Mercier Marcotte

By:  Helen Donlan & Family

Thursday St. Joseph

10:00 a.m.

  In Thanksgiving

By:  A Parishioner

Friday St. Joseph

10:00 a.m.

  Patsy Gagnon

By:  Helen, Waverly Nephin & Family

Saturday Sheenboro

5:00 p.m.

  Missa Pro Populo
Sunday St. Joseph

9:00 a.m.

  Reggie Chaput

By:  Jean & Nicole Pilon

Wilfrid Lariviere

By:  Suzanne, Gilbert Dupuis & Family

Sunday Chapeau

10:30 a.m.

  Patricia Smith

By:  The Family

Patsy Gagnon

By:  Michael, Blayne, Tara, Greg & Families


Parish Collection                      Counter
Sheenboro $  825.00(Dec. 22)


$   410.00 (Dec. 29)

$   320.00 (De. 31)

$1,320.00 (Jan. 5)

Toonie $5,748.00*

*Not a typo! Someone donated $5,000 in a Sheenboro Toonie collection. THANK YOU!!
St. Joseph $1,345.00 (Dec. 22)

$1,600.00 (Christmas)

$1,320.00(Dec. 29)

$   620.00 (Jan. 1)

$ 1,330.00(Jan. 5)

Toonie $500.65

Chapeau $3429.00 (Dec. 22)

$4,871.00 (Christmas)

$1,792.00 (Dec. 29)

$1, 045.00 (Jan. 1)

$2,005.00 (Jan. 5)

Toonie $1,025.45

Susanne Lapierre Monday, January 13th

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK:  Dan Kelly, Barbara Coventry, Leonard Duff, Fran Flavelle, Earl Lepine, Annie Gaudette, Sandra Fletcher- McGuire, Roseanne Gagnon, Viola Fleury, Joanne Souliere, Patsy Lariviere, Ida-Mae Turner, Kerry Kelly, Paul Dennie, Judy Sullivan.

Parish Lectors Communion
Sheenboro Sandra Brennan Jerry, Peter
St. Joseph Lawrence Duff Marg, Rita
Chapeau Janie Carroll Janie, Nicole

C.W.L Membership Fees ($20.00) will be due early in January.  An envelope is provided in your box or a regular one marked “C.W.L Fees” with your name on it.  It can be put in the collection basket or given to a member.

St. Alphonsus C.W.L:  St. Alphonsus C.W.L. will host a Card Party for our Peruvian Child at Harrington Community Centre on Sunday, January 12th Registration at 12:30 and cards begin at 1 p.m.  Light lunch will be served.  Welcome all!

Upper Pontiac Sports Complex – Annual General Meeting:  Will be held at Harrington Community Centre on Tuesday, January 14th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.  Everyone Welcome.

Allumette Island 4-H Club:  Registration will take place on Wednesday, January 15th at St. Joseph Hall at 6:00 p.m.  Ages 7 to 15 are welcome.  Cost $30 per child annually.  Bi-Weekly meetings will follow.  Phone Elizabeth Kelly for more info.  819-689-5576.

Young at Heart News:  We are all invited to a Lumber Jack Supper at the Spruce Home in Fort-Coulonge on Friday, January 31st at 5:30 p.m.  $30 per person with free Transportation.  You don’t have to be a member.  If interested call Jerome at 689-2208 before January 24th.  P.S.  This is a reminder for the people who did not yet renew their membership for 2019/2020…  please do so.

CHURCH ENVELOPES FOR 2020:  will be available in the churches this weekend.  Thank you.  If you want to be a new envelope user, please take a blank box and put your name and address on the first couple of envelopes so we can enter you into our system.  Thank you.

CHAPEAU:   New list for lectors and Eucharistic ministers are available in the sacristy.

PILGRIMAGES:  Medjugorje Pilgrimage: May 14-24, 2020. Price $2290.00. For more information please contact Patricia Duggan at 613 756-2655 or

Knights of Columbus – Council 1531 News

1) The next meeting of Bishop N.Z, Lorrain Council 1531 will be held on Tuesday, Jan.14th at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Ellis Avenue. It starts at 7:30 p.m. Members are reminded that dues are now being collected.

2) The Council will host Garry Engler, spiritual care co-ordinator for the Pembroke Regional Hospital, l on Jan 28. This event will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Ellis Avenue starting at 7 p.m. and is open to members of the Knights of Columbus, their families, parishes and the community.

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Baptism of Our Lord. This brings to an end the season of Christmas. The Church recalls Our Lord’s second manifestation or epiphany which occurred on the occasion of His baptism in the Jordan. Jesus descended into the River to sanctify its waters and to give them the power to beget sons of God. The event takes on the importance of a second creation in which the entire Trinity intervenes.

In the Eastern Church, this feast is called Theophany because at the baptism of Christ in the River Jordan God appeared in three persons. The baptism of John was a sort of sacramental preparatory for the Baptism of Christ. It moved men to sentiments of repentance and induced them to confess their sins. Christ did not need the baptism of John. Although He appeared in the “substance of our flesh” and was recognized “outwardly like unto ourselves”, He was absolutely sinless and impeccable. He conferred upon the water the power of the true Baptism which would remove all the sins of the world: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who takes away the sin of the world”.

Many of the incidents which accompanied Christ’s baptism are symbolical of what happened at our Baptism. At Christ’s baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him; at our Baptism the Trinity took its abode in our soul. At His baptism Christ was proclaimed the “Beloved Son” of the Father; at our Baptism, we become the adopted children of God. At Christ’s baptism the heavens were opened; at our Baptism heaven was opened to us. At His baptism Jesus prayed; after our Baptism, we must pray to avoid actual sin.

Fr. Tim Notes:
1) Our sympathy and prayers go out to the family of Ann Fleury-Rigo, whose funeral was celebrated in Chapeau on Friday. Please remember to pray for her and her family in your daily prayers. We also offer our condolence and prayers to Ruth Doran-Gagnon as her sister Paulette Furnival has died in Pembroke on January 1st.

2) We are still looking for volunteers who would be willing to participate in our Eucharistic Adoration program. The need is most significant right now in St. Joseph’s, where the Eucharist is exposed on Thursday and Friday evenings from 7 to 8 pm. Please call either Mike Mainville (819-689-2681) or Fr. Tim if you are willing to help out. Why not come out and spend a quiet hour of prayer before Christ for the intercession of your loved ones, living or dead?

3) Our video courses continue this week in both Chapeau (Wed. after 10 am Mass) and St. Joseph’s (Tues. at 7 pm) as we continue to learn about the role of forgiveness in our lives. Keep an eye out here for an upcoming announcement about the start of a course in Sheenboro this Spring on the subject of meditative prayer.

4) GREAT NEWS! Bishop Thomas Dowd, Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal, has agreed to come and offer a Parish Mission from May 2nd to the 6th. The theme of the Mission will be ‘Who is God?’  Mark your calendars now to reserve those dates to come and listen to this dynamic and excellent speaker.

5) We offer our condolences for Catherine (Kitty) Marcotte who passed away this week in St. Thomas in her 90th year.  She was the mother of Susan, Cathy, & Stephanie.  Dear sister of Helen Donlan, Bessie Brisard, Frances Fleming, Pat Mercier, Noella Wilson, Theresa Cashman, and Marie Robinson.

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